Here are some frequently asked questions about Imagination Station Preschool. If you do not find the answer you are looking for, please contact the owner/director, Jennifer Frank at jennifer@isationps.com.
  1. How old does my child need to be to attend Imagination Station Preschool? ISPS offers one mixed-age class of children from age 3 to 5 years of age. Children need to be at least 3 years old to attend due to state licensing regulations.
  2. Does my child need to be potty-trained to attend ISPS? Yes, in order for your child to attend, they need to be at least 3 years of age and fully potty-trained.
  3. What are the hours of operation at ISPS? Our full day program runs from 8:30am-2:30pm and our half-day program runs from 8:30am-12:30pm.
  4. Is there an outdoor space at ISPS? Yes, at ISPS, we utilize a few different outside play areas including the YoSac pocket park across the street, the backyard space that includes a small grass area, sandbox, and patio area, and the jet stream playground located at 3574 Alton St. Denver, CO 80238
  5. What type of experiences will my child have at ISPS? ISPS is a play-based and child-centered preschool learning environment; which means that children will be permitted to choose activities that interest them through exposure to various learning centers. Children will also be provided with indoor and outdoor free play time as well as small group learning and circle time.
  6. What type of structure is provided throughout the day at ISPS? At ISPS, we believe that play is “the work of children” and we facilitate play through planned structured activities as well as less structured learning time such as free play. Free play allows children to spend time problem solving and creating; which are skills that are highly valued at ISPS. There is a daily schedule at ISPS; which can be flexible depending on what is happening that day. We believe it is important to create structure for children during the school day as well as allow them time to explore and determine what activities are personally engaging to each individual student.
  7. What is the role of the teacher? At ISPS, the teacher develops, plans, and evaluates developmentally appropriate learning activities. During class time, the teacher will act as a guide by challenging students with appropriate questions and problems related to the learning activities. The teacher facilitates learning by purposefully guiding the children through the learning activities by encouraging language development, problem solving skills, and mathematical concepts while fostering a positive social/emotional environment for the children. The teacher will be observing, assessing, and evaluating the learning process on a ongoing basis to ensure that the educational needs of each child are being met.
  8. What are the methods of communication used at ISPS? There are several modes of communication used at ISPS. Information will be provided to caregivers via a monthly newsletter and weekly email update. Daily communication will take place through the use of the brightwheel application. This application allows the teacher to post notes, updates, and pictures throughout the day. There will be three parent-teacher conferences throughout the year so that caregivers are aware of their child’s progress throughout the year. Our goal for communication with caregivers is to be as transparent as possible. This transparency allows the teacher and caregivers to have a open dialogue regarding the educational needs of the student; therefore, assuring the child reaches their full potential in our preschool program.
  9. Does ISPS offer enrichment programs? Yes, enrichment programs are available to students enrolled in the full-day program only. Enrichment classes vary and may not be included in tuition. For the 2017/18 school year, ISPS offers a monthly music and movement class and a monthly preschool yoga class that is included in tuition pricing.
  10. How does snack and lunch work at ISPS? ISPS has two designated snack times throughout the day. Morning snack is at 9:30am and afternoon snack is at 2pm. Lunch time is from 12pm-12:30pm. Caregivers must provide a healthy and balanced snack and lunch daily. If a family does not want to provide a snack, ISPS has a snack program that is at an additional cost.
  11. When is tuition payment due? Tuition payment at the time of enrollment includes the first (Sept) and last month (May) of tuition. Starting in October, tuition payment is due on the first of each month. Payments may be made by check or electronically transferred directly via Zelle.