The preschool curriculum in useĀ at ISPS is Mother Goose Time ( This curriculum incorporates 33 research-based skills through monthly activities and discovery projects. Through the use of the curriculum, children will be exposed to skills that support their on-going social-emotional, physical, language, and cognitive development.

The skills focused on throughout the curriculum include:

  • Social-emotional development
  • physical development
  • literacy and language development
  • mathematics and reasoning development
  • social studies development
  • science development
  • creative development
  • second language acquisition development


Social-Emotional Development: refers to a child’s ability to identify and regulate feelings and to build relationships. Includes:

  • self-concept: expresses preferences, takes responsibility, identifies and manages feelings
  • self directions: follows rules and routines, maintains attention, transitions and adapts
  • social relationships: builds positive relationships, cooperates, cares for and responds to others

Physical Development: includes fine motor and gross motor skills as well as safety.

  • fine motor: controls fine movements, uses writing and drawing tools
  • gross motor: builds strength and balance, coordinates large movements
  • health and safety: makes healthy food and exercise choices, practices good hygiene, demonstrates safe practices

Language and Literacy Development:

  • listening comprehension: comprehends spoken language, follows verbal directions
  • communication: ability to communicate ideas and speak in short sentences
  • vocabulary: builds vocabulary
  • phonological awareness: hears small units of sound, can discriminate between rhyme and alliteration
  • concepts of print: demonstrates print knowledge such as reading right to left, holding a book right side up, etc.
  • letter and word recognition: identifies letters and words and make letter and sound connections
  • reading comprehension: responds to text, retells, asks, and answers questions
  • emergent writing: ability to write name, words and sentences and is able to express feelings through writing

Mathematics and Reasoning Development

  • number concepts: identifies numbers, counts to determine quantity, understands operations
  • shapes: identifies shapes, manipulates parts and wholes
  • spacial awareness: flips and rotates objects, determines object locations
  • patterns and sorting: identifies and creates patterns, matches, sorts, and charts
  • measurement: estimates and measures, compares and seriates
  • logic: solves problems

Social Studies Development

  • families and communities: identifies families and community roles, explores cultures and traditions, respects diversity
  • civics and economics: understands citizenship, understands concepts of trade
  • geography: identifies types of places, uses maps
  • history: describes past events

Science Development

  • scientific reasoning:inquires and predicts, observes and experiments, evaluates and infers
  • life science: identifies basic needs, classifies organisms
  • physical sciences: identifies properties of matter, explores forces and motions
  • earth science: explores weather and climates, explores ecosystems
  • technology: explores technology

Creative Development

  • music: develops rhythm and tone, expresses through music
  • dance and movement: develops dance and movement techniques, expresses through dance and movement
  • visual arts: develops artistic techniques, expresses through visual arts
  • drama: participates in dramatic play, uses and creates props